Branded Designer Handbags

Shop Branded Handbags from Japan Online

Shop preloved designer bags from Japan in the comfort of your own home. Our goal is to offer a personal shopping experience where customers feel valued and heard. Through our live video sales, we showcase luxury resale items, actively interact with viewers and offer special promotions and discounts, providing you with the opportunity to snatch great deals and save some money. 
Join us for our live video sales, held every Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday at 6:30 PM PST and 9:30 PM EST
Hosted by our sellers Clément, Bridget and Kira, these live streams are your gateway to luxury shopping. With a spotlight on over 20 exquisite items, including coveted bags and accessories, we explore the unique character of each piece. From the year of creation to the present condition, we provide comprehensive insights to help you make informed decisions. 

At WLD we understand that authenticity can be a concern for buyers in the resale market. Live sales allow us to transparently showcase our products in real time. Viewers can see the product in action, ask about features, condition or sizing and get an honest opinions from the seller. This is a shopping experience that combines entertainment and convenience.

We also acknowledge the potential concerns that new viewers may have regarding the shipping of their products. However, rest assured that we have dedicated sellers who will be in contact with you from the moment you make your purchase until you receive your order. We are committed to catering to your needs and ensuring a transparent and seamless shopping experience from start to finish. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we’re here to address any concerns or questions you may have every step of the way.

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